If you're NOT a smoker,  then I'm sure  you've noticed that the people who do, seem to have more wrinkles and their skin is drier than normal. The act of smoking can make you look older by creating wrinkles and drying out your skin. All that happens fairly quick compared to other things that affect aging of your skin. Smoking can alter the color of your skin as well. This gives you yet another reason to try to kick that habit.

You will develop more wrinkles than people who do not smoke. The wrinkles will be even more noticeable and can age you a great deal. The tone of your skin will change with years of smoking. It might already be looking yellow with hints of gray. So not only will you not feel so great, your skin won’t look too good either. The best thing you can do for yourself is to stop smoking. If you are exposed to second hand smoke on a regular basis your skin can also be affected. Try to get the loved ones in your life to stop smoking.

Try using antioxidant creams to help fight free radicals. Look for skin products that contain nutrients that are ideal for the skin. Remember, the best option for your health and just as importantly for your skin is by far is to quit smoking.

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